Secure data storage for outpatient care servicesCare documentation, MdK (medical service of the health insurance) and Corona. Outpatient nursing services are not spared anything either. Nursing services face great challenges in the digital age. Nursing services in Germany have to adapt to the digital age for several reasons. The reason that is probably mentioned most often is cost-effectiveness. By applying digital tools, cost structures in administration, but also efficiency in maintenance can be increased once again. Providers like Dropbox were and are pioneers in this respect. Dropbox is the cloud storage that can offer a lot of advantages to healthcare organizations. However, it is not the best solution for Germany!
Can’t I just use Dropbox?Dropbox has made cloud storage popular, but it’s not exactly unproblematic for German nursing services. The US company Dropbox is one of the best market leaders in the cloud storage market and practically invented it. However, the provider is very problematic for Germany customs. Because it is an company from USA. The Dropbox’s infrastructure is largely subject to US law. A huge problem, particularly for the care sector. Nursing services not only work with humans, but also very sensitive data about their patients. However, US law is not so strongly focused on data privacy. Cloud storage for the German healthcare sector must be made DSGVO-compliant. This is the only way to store files securely!
Is there an alternative?A Dropbox alternative as a safe cloud for service companies is therefore the only sensible solution. The Dropbox alternative can be tried out for free, new features have to be implemented in the company, of course. This takes time, and you want to inform yourself and try it out beforehand. For a safe cloud, there are already German alternative companies that also offer the option of a trial. During this is free of charge and not associated with any obligations. So you can first try out the different functions at no cost on a rather small basis and scrutinise the German alternatives.
Who advises the care services?You are always cared for professionally and receive full support for your files stored digitally. That’s all a Dropbox alternative from Germany can really offer. Care needs digital management for critical files. This can be tried for free and the service can be customised to meet your unique needs, the German alternative is certainly the best available! This means you are no longer on your own and always have a competent contact person at your side. In addition, you can rely on storage in Germany and DSGVO data protection. | |